Forest Baths

Healing in Nature


If you've seen me more than a few times, chances are I have encouraged you at least once (possibly many times : ) to spend time in and around nature and trees. There is a reason for that, and scientists are slowly uncovering it. Check out this study on "forest bathing" from the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology.

Visiting a forest, but not a city, increases human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins.

Subjects are taken to spend hours in forested areas, then tests are run to look for physical changes. Researches have found significantly increased immune function, improved hormonal balance with reduced stress hormones and changes that can help prevent cancer. Some of these effects last at least a week after having left the forest! How does being in a forest have such a positive effect? Most of you who know me can probably guess what I would say, but what do you think?